
Somewhere Else

Everyday,I walk around doing allThe things I'm "supposed to do."All the whileI'm really not even there.Physically present, sure,I'll give you that.But in my daydreams I'm doing what I want,Not what I'm told.You see,I learned a long, long time ago,That ... »

The Pain

Searing through myBody,Soul, andMind -It comes again,And again,Never leaving,Never lessening,Never slowing down.I wish it were physicalPain vibrating throughMy body -But, instead, it's so much more.It's the pain of love,Of loss,Of her turning away.The ... »

Compassion Am I

I just realized that I want to be compassionate.  However, I don’t wish to just be compassionate, I want to be seen as compassionate. I feel as if I have compassion at times, but I know that is not enough.  Anyone can feel for someone or something in a moment, but what does it really [...] »

2012 Running list

In order for me to run regularly, I need the motivation that I’m going to have a time posted for the world to see online as the result of my running a race. So…I’m trying to keep races at regular … Continue reading → »