Is it Church of God or churches of God?
Is it Church of God or churches of God? »
Is it Church of God or churches of God? »
Why are the Church of God pulling away from preaching? Instead now it is more like teaching which is fine but most Churches in this part like ND don’t have Sunday night services and it was in those services the Holy Ghost would move in a mighty way. I haven’t even heard of revivals being here anymore. It’s like if there don’t have enough people showing up we won’t hav... »
Now here are some holiness ladies. We passed their church on hwy 72 driving from Cleveland to Collierville, Tennessee. THEO Holiness Church, Walnut, Mississippi. Now why can’t we see smiling holiness ladies like this in the Church of God? Other churches put COG to shame. »
What was the Church of God’s rationale behind prohibiting bobbed hair? Was it a man made belief imposed to restrict women? Was there a reason that made it important and could that importance still be with us today? »