Philadelphia Bucharest Church in Romania.
Philadelphia Bucharest Church in Romania. »
Philadelphia Bucharest Church in Romania. »
Changes at North Cleveland Church of God: the web screen opens with an overhead shot of the multi-million church and the adjacent buildings; really only an overhead shot can show off this complex to full advantage. Already the visuals inside the church have gone through major changes. On Sept. 25th pastor Williams invited Rev. Rae Orozco to the pulpit. This is the first time I have seen a woman in... »
A good history of Tremont Avenue Church of God in Greenville Tennessee. Emmett Doster was the founding pastor in 1919. The Tremont Avenue Church of God was organized in the fall of 1919, in a tabernacle on Parris Avenue by Emmett Doster with 26 charter members. The congregation moved to a storefront building on the… »