Minutes 2016 of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) 76th…
Available on Kindle now! Got mine! Minutes 2016 of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) 76th International General Assembly Book of Discipline, Church Order, and Governance Containing Extant Rulings of the Church of God International General Assemblies 1906 through 2016 »
How is going to the Church of God like going…
How is going to the Church of God like going to the Cracker Barrel Restaurant? At the Cracker Barrel there is a deliberate attempt to create an old time feeling. Last night on the wall I saw signs that said; Honey-Nut 5 Cents, Dexters Bread, both of which have been out of business for many years. There were black and white pictures that made us think of grandpa and grandma. Other signs said, F R M... »