
The Good Shepherd Fellowship Church Raised Money in Support of the 365 Challenge

By: Emma Wood The Good Shepherd Fellowship Church in Ngoswani, Kenya is working hard to welcome the community into the church and spread the good news of the gospel by raising money for the 365 Challenge. This church is co-pastored by Dr. Tonya Hawthorne and Reverend Linda Brown, facilitating a church mainly made up of widows and children. Good Shepherd ... Read More »

Ukrainian Church of God, Fulfilling the Great Commission

In the month of June 2021, through your generous donations, Church of God World Missions was able to assist in the purchase of a Church Building in the City of Bakhmut, Ukraine. This area of Ukraine is war-torn, and its people are in poverty. Pastor Vyacheslav Balagura has been very active in the frontline mission [...] »

New Book! Why I Wrote 7 Basics of Belonging: The Meaning of Church Membership

I’ve taught countless new member classes as a pastor. The people in these classes have any number of reasons why they attend. Some are already bought into the church and ready to join. Others are curious and want to know more information. I’ll never forget the time someone walked out of the class because they... The post New Book! Why I Wrote 7 Basics of Belonging: The Meaning of Church Membership... »

What Will Happen to the All-White Church in America? Ten Trends in the Next Ten Years

Demographics tend to change slowly. You can see the patterns emerging, and, for the most part, you can know what is coming years in advance. Most people do not pay attention to these gradual shifts because it does not have an immediate impact on their lives.  Then we hit an inflection point, and everyone seems... The post What Will Happen to the All-White Church in America? Ten Trends in the Next ... »