
McMinnville, Tennessee Church of God

My hometown church McMinnville, Tennessee Church of God (Locust Street Church of God) is celebrating their 100 year anniversary, 1915-2015 and the COGOP broke... »

Chokoloskee Church of God Celebrates 100 Years

Chokoloskee Church of God Celebrates 100 Years

Not many of us can claim anything for 100 years. It’s hard for me to imagine that the tiny island of Chokoloskee just south of Everglades City, once the grand governing center ofCollier County, was even inhabited back in 1913, but its establishment actually goes back much further. Records show that the modern settlement of Chokoloskee Islandbegan in 1874. It was in 1913, however, that the Chokolos... »

Notes on Revelation from River Hills Church

Revelation Revealed 20 SIGNS of the LAST DAYS (revised: May, 2014) Spiritual Problems and Solutions from the 7 Churches of Revelation Rapture of the Church (A Reformed Theological Perspective) The Great Tribullation Daniel and Revlation »

Throwback Thursday: 75th Church of God International General Assembly: Historic Encounters, Hints of What Lies Ahead

Throwback Thursday: 75th Church of God International General Assembly: Historic Encounters, Hints of What Lies Ahead

by Tony Richie Official church historians consider the Church of God (Cleveland, TN USA) the oldest continuing, and one of the largest, Pentecostal ecclesial organizations in the world. It dates back to 1886 with roots in the Unicoi Mountains of Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina. It considers itself more of a movement than a denomination, more of a dynamic and organic union than an inst... »