
Flat Earther Stages Experiment To Prove The Earth Is Not Round But It Stunningly Backfires Providing Evidence That Debunks His Own Claims

Flat Earther Stages Experiment To Prove The Earth Is Not Round But It Stunningly Backfires Providing Evidence That Debunks His Own Claims

The belief in a flat Earth has gained traction over the years, leading to numerous attempts to prove this theory. However, a recent experiment conducted by a flat Earth proponent has inadvertently debunked their own claims. Even though I ascribe to the notion of a round Earth, I very much like conversation and debate, not arguments, with […] The post Flat Earther Stages Experiment To Prove The Ear... »

Doesn’t everyone investigate the claims of the gospels when deciding…

Doesn’t everyone investigate the claims of the gospels when deciding…

Doesn’t everyone investigate the claims of the gospels when deciding if Christianity is true? Why should more people take an investigative approach when reading the New Testament? Doesn’t everyone investigate the claims of the gospels when deciding if Christianity is true? Why should more people take an investigative approach when reading the New Testament? »

Roman Catholicism claims to be Apostolic in origin and practice….

Roman Catholicism claims to be Apostolic in origin and practice. They earnestly contend that all of their Canon laws both written and unwritten has it’s origin directly and indirectly with the teachings and practices of first century Christianity under the Apostolic supervision. The dogma of Transubstantiation was officially declared to be and article of faith at the fourth Lateran Council u... »


DEMONS in the BIBLE? In the past week alone, I’ve stumbled twice with the statement lit. “The word “demon” is not found in scripture”!... »

Islam claims to bring the judgment of God

God is a judge; a righteous judge. The Scriptures remind us over and over again that God’s judgments are perfectly righteous (Ps. 96:13, 98:9; Rev. 15:4, 19:11). God’s judgment includes: Moral Justice Offer of Grace Clear Warnings Judicial Process Moral Requirements for Prophets Islam claims to bring the judgment of God, but does none of   Read More ... »