


Bulgarian Churches in America: Personal Xlibris

Excerpt from the chapter “How to Start a Bulgarian Church in America from A-to-Z” X. Xlibris Every community leaves a lasting xlibris on its accomplishments, victories and success through a time of celebration. After each major accomplishment, plan deliberately and allow time for celebration. Celebration will renew the motivation of your congregation. Thank God for […] »

Ask Jayson: Dealing with Judgmental Christian Parents

Dear Jayson, How do I get my extreme Christian parents to see that their views of the world are antiquated and no longer functional? They’re super judgmental and difficult to be around at times. I love my parents. I just want to see them love the world and people around them more. Background: I’m not […] »

Repost: The Exodus of the Youth from Church: In Search of Answers to a Dark Dilemma

by Kathryn N. Donev I recently sat in a lecture “Why Are Youth Leaving the Church?” I listened to the most recent statistics, compared one opinion to the next, looked at the latest church involvement research and even explored some emerging themes of why people in general leave the faith. All the information was very […] »