
Help! I’m Being Persecuted . . . Aren’t I?

It’s surprising how often Christians in the West talk about their rights being denied. In fact, some media outlets stir up viewership by perpetuating this mythology. “You can’t take my First Amendment rights!” Freedom of speech is one of America’s greatest attributes. I’m surprised, however, how few really understand it or how it works. Freedom […] »

I Just Keep Walking

I decided to not look.I kept my eyes frozen on the path ahead of me,ignoring the temptation to inflict upon my brainanother sad memory of what could never be.I sighed - deeply,from the depths of my disease riddled lungs.I shuffled my feet and began to hum.Long ago, I refused to buy in to the liethat true happiness is found inthe things I don't have.I came to the conclusion that real joyis found in... »

Will You Speak Life?

The tongue can bring death or life… Proverbs 18:21, NLTWords are powerful. “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” “I have a dream!” “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country!” “December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy…” “Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the e... »

For I Know The Plans I Have For You

I decided to join Master's Commission because I knew that I had a calling on my life to go into ministry, but I had no idea what it was. I imagined it would be along the lines of working with youth ministry, but I didn't know any of the details. Throughout this year, little pieces of the puzzle have started to become clearer to me. For almost 3 months now I've been having the same dream... »