
What To Do When You Can’t Undo What’s Done (Part 1)

“Remorse is the poison of life.”―Charlotte Brontë When someone tells me their life goal is to live with no regrets, I tend to smile and nod politely. “Good luck,” I think, “I sincerely hope you succeed.” Truth is, I don’t know anyone who has. The older I get, the more I recognize that no one gets […] »

Half The Way Christianity

  “The one who conceals his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them will find mercy.” – Proverbs 28:13   It was 4:15pm on Tuesday and I was just finishing up my bus route for the day. As I was driving, there was a 4 way stop ahead of me, but for the first time, … »

We live in a post-Christian America

1. Less than 20% of Americans regularly ATTEND church 2. Mid-sized churches are SHRINKING amid booming small churches and megachurches 3. Established denominations 40 to 190 years old are DECLINING and disappearing 4. By 2050, the percentage of the U.S. population attending church will be HALF of what it was in 1990 5. At the same times [...] »

Broken BUT Rescued

"If the winds must keep blowing for me to trust in You... then Lord, I will hold on until You see me through. I may not know the purpose for this trial that I face, but please, don't let thisstorm go to waste."-"This Storm", McMillan and LifeAs much as... »