

A recent report involving a mining company in Western Pennsylvania has caused a stir among the Evangelical Christians in the area. The company was requiring all of its employees to begin using a bio-metric scanning system that would track them on the... »


The majority of Christians have knowledge on the subject of the seven feasts, or festivals of Israel. God required all men - over twenty years of age in Israel, to attend three of the seven feasts in Jerusalem and celebrate in His presence. These were Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.       Presently, VOE hosts a Partner’s conference in June and the Main Event in fal... »

Video: ‘A Portrait of Jewish Americans’ Overview

Alan Cooperman, deputy director of the Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life Project, presented an overview of the findings of the Pew Research survey of U.S. Jews at an Oct. 1 event in New York City, hosted by the Neubauer Family Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trusts. To see more video by the Pew […] »

Sidebar: Who is a Jew?

One of the first decisions that had to be made in conducting this study and analyzing its results was to answer the question, “Who is a Jew?” This is an ancient question with no single, timeless answer. On the one hand, being Jewish is a matter of religion – the traditional, matrilineal definition of Jewish […] »