
An Open Letter to My Non Enemies

I want you to take a deep breath and clear your mind for a second. I’m going to ask you a very serious question, and I want you to ponder the answer before you respond. You ready? Here it comes: Who is your enemy? That’s it. Pretty easy, right? But think about it for a […] »

Rites in the Spirit

Rites in the Spirit approaches Pentecostal practices and experiences with an approach often not seen by Pentecostals. Through identifying Pentecostal distinctiveness with rites terminology, the book proves that they have astonishing effect on the believers’ formation. In the light of Albrecht’s work this paper will reflect on: (1) ritual time, space and identity, (2) fundamental [...] »

What is Fear?

Websters Dictionary states that Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.  For about two weeks, the enemy was attacking me every way he co... »

Why I Love The Rain

Everyone wants the sunshine."Oh, what a beautiful day," they say,as they pass by on the sidewalkheading to the parkor a baseball game."Isn't this the best weather?"they ask,unaware that there is -standing beside them -one who despises the very weatherthey so adore."Well, really..." I begin to say,"I wish it was raining."The air suddenly becomes tense,and a look of absolute horrorlights upon their ... »