
Prov 2

Prov.2 amazes me every time I read it.. the 2nd of every month (btw). There is soooo much wisdom in... »

Isn’t It Time the Church Gave Singles a Break?

When Christians gather for worship, it’s around the things we have in common. A common savior. A common grace. A common spirit. A common commission. The differences fade away. The dividing walls of hostility are torn down. People separated by things like race, gender, and economic status gather around a common table. So why, when […] »

So Completely "Other"

The deepness of your majestytowers over me,covering me with goodness and grace.And yet I'm terrified.I understand that the dark cloudshovering above -the thunder and lightning -are simply a display of your power.I understand that you are for me.My eternal good rests firmly in your hands.And yet, I understand enoughto know that I really don't understandanything about you.Does the fire in your eyesb... »

The Way You Live Follows You Into The Kingdom

Image Credit You are growing toward eternity, and that being true, you must live toward eternity with all of your life. The beautiful virtues of Christ, taught as He delivered the Sermon on the Mount, as He shared the story of the Good Samaritan, as taught in Matthew 25, can all be lived by the […] Related posts:Don’t Fail To Live The Gospel Below Are You Left, Right, or…? Chr... »