

  Recently in the news we heard of the raging Arizona fires that took the lives of 19 of some of the most elite fire fighters in America. 14 of these 19 men were very young, just in their twenties, leaving behind their loved ones, young wives and... »

#1 at being #2 I think about all the things that I have done,…

#1 at being #2 I think about all the things that I have done, places I have been, and people I have influenced… (pause) OK, I feel blessed. BUT, this is not the time to sit still and get complacent in a state of nostalgia. I know that God has placed ministry in me and if I want to continue to be used of God, I must release what God has placed in me. I refuse to sit still, I refuse to be ... »

Neither Have You

Image Credit I’ve never been skipped over by God and neither have you. On the other hand, there have been many times I’ve felt like God doesn’t even know where I’m at, I’m sure you have felt the same. Facts and feelings often seem to be in conflict with one another. The unwavering facts of […] Related posts:The Whisper Always Comes Oh Look; The Other Side! Som... »

Bread That Satisfies

Jesus is the bread that sustains us (Matthew 4). Jesus is the bread that we trust our Heavenly Father to provide (Matthew 6). Jesus is the bread of life, multiplied so that all may be filled (John 6). Jesus is the bread, broken for us. "Take and eat," ... »