
Which Voice is The Voice?

“Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,“This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.” - Isaiah 30:21 Growing up, I think the biggest thing I ever struggled with as a follower of Christ was hearing the right voice. God speaks to His people in different ways. [...] »

The Miracle Of Opportunity

The Miracle Of Opportunity

What an incredible moment in Luke 18! The God of the universe, the creator of everything, asked Bartimaeus, “What do you want me to do for you?” What a miracle! What a God opportunity! Bartimaeus was a blind man that saw his opportunity (no pun intended) MIRACLES HAPPEN…sometimes they are housed in an opportunity. Bartimaeus [...] Related posts: 5 Things To Do When Doubt Has Captured Your Lo... »

Spare the Rod

"Spare the rod,Spoil the child,"he says, as he mercilessly beats the boyacross his shoulders and backwith the metal buckle of his old leather belt.He invokes the name of Godas the reason for his crime,as if he's doing the boy a favor.As if he's doing God a favor.Suddenly, as the boy glances up, dizzy from the pain,he sees the face of Jesus right there with him.The words "Child, I don't c... »

Will You Vote Christian
