
The Pew Forum: Protestants no longer majority in U.S.

The Pew Forum: Protestants no longer majority in U.S.

A new study by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life found that Protestants now make up 48% of Americans, compared with nearly two-thirds in the 1970s. The decline, concentrated among white members of both mainline and evangelical denominations, is amplified by an absence of Protestants on the U.S. Supreme Court and the Republican [...] »

Work in Progress

Work in Progress

Hey everyone! I wanted to write a short blog post and let you all in on what I'm currently working on.Earlier in the year, I published my first collection of poems, These Moments Pass. Through the process of publication, and then putting my work out th... »

School Orders Cross Removed from Football Helmets

School Orders Cross Removed from Football Helmets

A Wisconsin school district has ordered a joint public-private school football team to change its logo – in the middle of the season — after a lone parent said the inclusion of a bishop’s hat and cross was a violation of the U.S. Constitution... »

Pray — Vote — It Matters

Karen Spillman, America Coordinator for Lighthouse Intercessors and Cleburne Texas Coordinator for National Day of Prayer Task Force, submits the following on the upcoming election: I recently learned of a campaign asking Christians to not vote or to w... »