
Syrian Christians Fear for Their Future if Extremists Take Control

With Syrian President Bashar al-Assad possibly losing his grip on power and rebels making major inroads, a possible end to the bloody civil war may be in sight. The United Nations estimates more than 10,000 have been killed in the violence since the cr... »

Pastors from Liquid Church in Reality TV Show

This week, Pastors Tim Lucas and Tom Kang from Liquid Church in NJ are taking a leap of faith into Oklahoma backwaters as unlikely stars of the Animal Planet reality TV show Hillbilly Handfishin’. The popular show about noodlin’ — the... »

Can You Say "Trillion?"

Can You Say "Trillion?"

Bear with me for a few moments as I share with you a thought that came to me while seeing a national debt chart click away faster than my eyes could see the numbers, climbing higher each second as the debt clock added $3 million dollars a minute. The... »

Inside the Ministry Update July 20, 2012

Watch live progress on the Omega Ranch Project. Watch the Extreme online "live" from the Tuesday night service. Check out the new product line featured in the VOE magazine. Charisma is now publishing Perry's books in Spanish. Watch the Stone Repo... »