
Answer to Aurora Shootings Isn’t Gun Control, But God-Connection

“It’s not about guns, but sin,” said Vision America Action President Dr. Rick Scarborough, a Southern Baptist Minister, referring to the shootings at an Aurora, Colorado movie theater, where 12 died and more than 60 were wounded. &#82... »

Mind Blown

Thinking about God sometimes pushes me to the limits. Wrestling with a Being who is everywhere at once, eternal, uncreated, three-in-one, one-in-three—such thoughts reach the limits of what gray matter can do. And I love it. I love not being able to put God in a box and slam it shut. I love not having [...] »

Syrian Christians Fear for Their Future if Extremists Take Control

With Syrian President Bashar al-Assad possibly losing his grip on power and rebels making major inroads, a possible end to the bloody civil war may be in sight. The United Nations estimates more than 10,000 have been killed in the violence since the cr... »

Pastors from Liquid Church in Reality TV Show

This week, Pastors Tim Lucas and Tom Kang from Liquid Church in NJ are taking a leap of faith into Oklahoma backwaters as unlikely stars of the Animal Planet reality TV show Hillbilly Handfishin’. The popular show about noodlin’ — the... »