
In Defense of Truth :: By Robert Asher Mandel

I like to write about biblical issues, not political ones. I always have. But I cannot stand by silently and allow any Christian to wonder if perhaps the claims of “genocide” currently being shouted at Israel from around the world might contain some truth. So this article is an effort to shed the light of […] The post In Defense of Truth :: By Robert Asher Mandel appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

Suit Filed Against Illinois Defense of Marriage Act

Illinois’ same-sex marriage ban is under fire. Both the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund have filed suits against the Cook County Court, asserting that the General Assembly acted with intent to discr... »

Israel Defense Forces: November 2012

Israel Defense Forces: November 2012

Here's what happened in the IDF during November 2012. Related posts:Israel Defense Forces: January 2012 Israel Defense Forces: March 2012 Israel Defense Forces: September 2012 »

Pillar of Defense: Summary of Overnight Events, Nov 17

Pillar of Defense: Summary of Overnight Events, Nov 17

Overnight, the IDF targeted Hamas government buildings as well as several rocket launching squads that were involved in firing rockets toward Israel. As part of the IDF targeting of government buildings, Ismail Haniya’s headquarters, the Hamas Ministry of Interior, and Related posts: Summary of Overnight Events Summary of Overnight Events, 11 Jan 2009, 08:24 IST Operation Cast Lead: Summary ... »

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