
Easter at citylife

Thank you for joining us for our Easter service! Our prayer is no matter where you may be watching from, you would feel the love, hope, and presence of Jesus right where you are. _________ #easter #citylifechurch #tonystewart #kacistewart #tampa #florida 1ST TIME VIEWER CARD: https://shor.by/firsttimeviewer ONLINE GIVING: https://shor.by/give citylifeKIDS ONLINE: https://shor.by/citylifekids PRAYE... »

Easter at citylife

Thank you for joining us for our Easter service! Our prayer is no matter where you may be watching from, you would feel the love, hope, and presence of Jesus right where you are. _________ #easter #citylifechurch #tonystewart #kacistewart #tampa #florida 1ST TIME VIEWER CARD: https://shor.by/firsttimeviewer ONLINE GIVING: https://shor.by/give citylifeKIDS ONLINE: https://shor.by/citylifekids PRAYE... »

save Jesus? ignore Easter?

save Jesus? ignore Easter?

Our friends over at The Resurgence responded to a recent Washington Post article which said that “Christians focus too much on the death and resurrection of Jesus and that we need to focus more on his ethical teachings.” Justin Holcomb did a masterful job of explaining why this idea is nonsensical. Take a look at [...] »

Easter in the Catholic Church

Easter is the greatest feast in the Christian calendar. On this Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. For Catholics,... »