Faith »
Abraham’s Belief in GOD Abraham’s faith grew as God revealed himself. By the time we see him in Genesis 12 he is a monotheist, a worshipper of one God. He apparently used two words for God — El, the generic Canaanite name for the cosmic deity and Yahweh. Yahweh is sometimes translated “Jehovah” in the KJV and expressed as the “LORD” in the KJV, NIV, RSV, N... »
Refuting the Word of Faith “little god” heresy What does the Bible mean when it says “you are gods” in Psalm 82:6 and John 10:34? Let’s start with a look at Psalm 82, the psalm that Jesus quotes in John 10:34. The Hebrew word translated “gods” in Psalm 82:6 is *Elohim*. It usually refers to the one true God, but it does have other uses. Psalm 82:1 says, “God presides in the great assem... »
I am really loving the word of faith doctrine. It is almost genuine :). Thank you Jesus. I still see some flaws in it though. Could be close to sound doctrine. I know one thing for sure if it is not in scripture it is not true. »