
Friday February 15: 10 Adar

It was on this day in the year 1349 that Jews of Freiburg, Germany were massacred due to the Black Death riots that were sweeping across Europe. During the plague, thousands of Europeans died, with the glaring exception of Jewish populations. Thus, it was believed that the Jews, somehow, someway, were responsible for the plague […] »

Good Friday, April 7, 2023 | 15 Days

The reinstatement of sin would lead inevitably to the revival or reassertion of personal responsibility. In fact the usefulness of … »

Friday April 12: 7 Aviv

Today is the seventh day of the month Aviv which means we are approaching the season of Passover and Unleavened Bread. As we enter into this time, we should begin contemplating its meaning. The essence of the Passover story reveals the Creator’s commitment to our redemption, so much so, that 2,000 years ago He sent […] »

Friday December 7th: 29 Kislev

Friday December 7th: 29 Kislev It was on this day in 1496 that King Manuel I of Portugal ordered the expulsion of all Jews from his country. If you remember your history, this was just a few short years after Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain had done the same thing. Manuel’s queen was also named […] »