Did the universe begin to exist? If so, is God…
Did the universe begin to exist? If so, is God the one who created it? #Apologetics #Christianity #DoesGodExist »
Did the universe begin to exist? If so, is God the one who created it? #Apologetics #Christianity #DoesGodExist »
How can I support my argument that Jesus is God? »
My beliefs: From the beginning of time, God has led His children through prophets, who learn the Gospel of Jesus Christ through REVELATION, and teach it to the people of the world. When the prophets are killed or taken from the earth, the world is in a state of apostasy. I believe the church that the Lord Jesus Christ established during his mortal ministry was lost from the world due to apostasy W... »
Heb. 11:7 7 Noah was warned by God about things that he could not yet see. But he had faith and respect for God, so he built a large boat to save his family. With his faith, Noah showed that the world was wrong. And he became one of those who are made right with God through faith. »