
Fishing for Gog :: By Terry James

There continues to be a great deal of conjecture about whether the current Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, is Gog, the evil person who will lead the Gog-Magog attack against Israel as prophesied by Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39. Mr. Putin certainly seems to fit the profile in many ways. While the world of Bible prophecy watchers […] The post Fishing for Gog :: By Terry James appeared first on Rapt... »

Terry James Important Notice of Pretrib Prophecy Effort

Terry James Important Notice of Pretrib Prophecy Effort

I hear consistently from fellow believers that they are looking for a church that teaches Bible prophecy and does so from the preTrib View. I am endorsing Gary Ray’s project to help bring to fruition the answer to Christians’ desire that pastors begin taking seriously their responsibility during these last of the last days of […] The post Terry James Important Notice of Pretrib Prophecy Effort app... »

Fishing for Gog :: By Terry James

There continues to be a great deal of conjecture about whether the current Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, is Gog, the evil person who will lead the Gog-Magog attack against Israel as prophesied by Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39. Mr. Putin certainly seems to fit the profile in many ways. While the world of Bible prophecy watchers […] The post Fishing for Gog :: By Terry James appeared first on Rapt... »

America: Sheep or Goat? :: By Terry James

Authors note: This article appeared some time ago. American culture and societal corruption continue down a dark and dangerous pathway toward Judgment and Sodom-like destruction. Sudden destruction is certainly foretold following the removal of believers, Jesus forewarned. Just like when Lot was taken out of Sodom. And that destruction was total, as modern-day archeologists are […] The post Americ... »