
5 Things Fundies Forget about Jesus

We all know a fundamentalist, but would never cop to being one. Truth is, I’m a recovering fundie. I was discipled in a particularly conservative church and believed that somehow I’d been fortunate enough to be baptized into a congregation that was right about everything—lucky me. Someone recently asked me to define this often used […] »

Jesus Has Come

For some time, I have prayed, struggled, meditated and sincerely sought the Lord for something from Him to share, hoping that what was given to me would alleviate the anxiety and stress of this hour that all of us face in a world racing toward judgement. I had a strange experience in the wee hours of [...] »

America for Jesus Aims to Restore America’s Foundation

If there were ever a time America needed Jesus, that time is now. It’s no coincidence that the prayer movement is gaining momentum in the United States. God is stirring the hearts of intercessors from coast to coast because He wants America to wake u... »

Rob Bell, end-times, and how Jesus got “left behind.”

Disclaimer: I promise, I’m not trying to write about everything controversial in church life in one week. By the time I finish this little series, I think you will see how these themes are deeply related—at least I hope so. The last thing the world needs is another blog about Rob Bell, so please note [...] »