
This Day, December 19, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

December 19 324: Licinius abdicates his position as Emperor leaving Constatine I, “the first Christian Emperor” in control of the Roman Empire much to the detriment of the Jewish people. 1154: Coronation of Henry II, King of England. With the restora... »

This Day, December 17, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

December 17 520 BCE (24th of Kislev): “The foundation-stone of the Temple was laid” (As reported by Jewish Encyclopedia) 630: Modestus of Jerusalem who replaced Zacharias as Greek Orthodox Pat... »

This Day, December 14, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"l

DECEMBER 14 164 BCE (3597): On the secular calendar date on which Judah Maccabee restored the service in the Temple in Jerusalem. 1243: “King Henry III turned a confiscated synagogue into the chapel of St. Mary. Many other synagogues were also confis... »

This Day, December 5, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

December 5 63 BCE: Cicero read the last of his Catiline Orations which exposed Cataline’s conspiracy to overthrow the government of Rome. There is no record of how Cataline felt about Jews, but Cicero said that Judaism was a barbarous superstition who... »