
Sirens Sound All Across Israel As Iran Launches A Minimum Of 500 Ballistic Missiles At The Jewish State, All Citizens Told To Seek Immediate Shelter!

Sirens Sound All Across Israel As Iran Launches A Minimum Of 500 Ballistic Missiles At The Jewish State, All Citizens Told To Seek Immediate Shelter!

The IDF says the missile fire from Iran to Israel is ongoing and that citizens should stay very close to bomb shelters until further notice It has begun, Iran has fired a minimum of 500 ballistic missiles at Israel, and all citizens have been instructed to follow the orders of Home Front Command and to […] The post Sirens Sound All Across Israel As Iran Launches A Minimum Of 500 Ballistic Missiles... »

This Day, September 30, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

September 30 132 C.E. (10 Tishrei): On the secular calendar, Akivah ben Joseph known as Rabbi Akiva passed away.  He was born in 50 C.E., twenty years before the destruction of the Second Temple.   According to tradition, he was an unle... »

This Day, September 27, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

September 27 0070 The walls of the upper city of Jerusalem were battered down by the Roman army 1331: Polish forces under Wladyslaw and his son Casimir defeated the Germanic Knights at the Battle of Plowce.  From a military point of view the bat... »

This Day, September 25, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

This Day, September 25, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

September 25 275: Marcus Claudius Tacitus appointed Roman emperor by the senate. By now the Roman Empire was in decline and Emperor’s served at the pleasure of the Army.  In the case of Tacitus, that meant a mere six months.  One of the Empe... »