
2012 10 ourCOG Social Media

2012 10 ourCOG Social Media

2012 10 ourCOG Social Media »

In the wake of the social media attack on Dr….

In the wake of the social media attack on Dr. Dirksen, we want her to know just what kind of impact she has had on Lee’s campus and beyond. If you have any personal stories or love you would like to pass on, write them here. Anonymous or not, each note will be passed on to Dr. Dirksen. If you are cl… »

Social Media 101

Social Media 101

Many novice instructors of social media argue the importance of social principles like: (a) announce, accelerate, appropriate, (b) build, broadcast, brand, (c) collaborate, contribute, coordinate, (d) determine, deploy, deliver, (e) explore, execute, exhilarate, (f) face, foresee, facilitate, (g) go, grow, ground and so on. But all of the above amounts to nothing else than one great loss of time i... »

Discussion on Church of God General Assembly Sessions Live Broadcast on the Internet and Social Media

Premise Historically, the Church of God has been a leader in numerous theological and practical aspects of the Pentecostal faith. Ministry via modern media, unfortunately, has not been a priority until recently. The road of recovery in this area has been established by partnership with Christian TV stations and several social media experiments. Occasional broadcasts, however, have been a part of t... »