
The Biggest Hinderance to Your Miracle | Perry Stone

The Biggest Hinderance to Your Miracle | Perry Stone

There can be numerous hindrances to answered prayers. However, there is one word that will always stop a miracle! You need to avoid it! #perrystone #treasurebook #prophecy #mannafest Perry Stone or anyone from our ministry will never comment on YouTube asking for money. If you see someone do this, it is a SCAM, and please report to YouTube directly. Thank you! PSM Website: https://perrystone.org/ ... »

Hungary Holy Spirit Miracle Crusade Revival

Hungary Holy Spirit Miracle Crusade Revival


Make Room for a Miracle | Jentezen Franklin

Make Room for a Miracle | Jentezen Franklin

This is “Make Room for a Miracle.” The first thing we learn about the Holy Spirit in the Bible is that He’s always moving. The Spirit of the Lord is passing by us constantly, and it’s not enough to just sit there and observe. What causes Him to stop and take notice? What can we do to make room for our miracle? We need the presence of God in our life, and we must be willing to cry out f... »

Quit Letting Fear Control You

The Jewish, Islamic, and Christian creation stories all begin in a garden. God releases the first man and woman into his paradise with only one prohibition—don’t eat from a specific tree. A tempter comes in the form of a serpent and tells the woman that God is holding out on them. The snake informs her that God […] The post Quit Letting Fear Control You appeared first ... »