World Missions Gives Update on Ukraine
World Missions Gives Update on Ukraine ... »
World Missions Gives Update on Ukraine ... »
I saw this fascinating and yet frightening picture of a storm-filled sky and tornado, and as I viewed it, I could see in the picture bits of light behind it, even reflecting to the earth that it would soon cover. As I studied this intriguing panorama, I begin think of storms, both in the physical [...] »
You are probably intrigued and wondering about this beautiful picture. I think God let me find it. But first…. these are prophetical days…..God help us to be ready. The Bible is filled with prophetical books, chapters and verses. These days so many intricate and specifically detailed prophecies are really being fulfilled. So many things that [...] »
You can have Reformation without Revival – BUT You cannot have Revival without Reformation ! The Emerging Church IS the Laodicean Church – it will birth the Harlot Church of the Tribulation Period. The Emerging Church wants Heaven without the reality of an Hell; The Emerging Church wants Forgiveness without Repentance; The Emerging Church wants Salvation without Regeneration; The Emerg... »