
Children’s Pastor, Dunn, N.C.

The ROC is a small church in Dunn, NC that has a passion for sustainable methods of ministry that make BIG impacts. Specifically we have a need for a part-time […] The post Children’s Pastor, Dunn, N.C. appeared first on Church Of God. »

Friday March 15: 10 Adar II

It was on this day in 1862 that the U.S. Congress amended the Chaplaincy Laws, thus permitting Jewish clergymen to serve as Army Chaplains. While it could be justifiably argued that this adjustment had been a long time coming, the United States had, when compared to a lot of their European contemporaries, always acknowledged the […] »

Lilith is a demon- seductress, how come people were saying…

Lilith is a demon- seductress, how come people were saying she’s Adam first wife? Is this also related to the book of Revelation 12:1-17 & 17:1-18 »

Majority World Theology: Christian Doctrine in Global Context

The renowned American essayist Joseph Epstein once made the following assertion: Reading is experience. A biography of any literary person ought to deal at length and in detail with what... »