
Hamas Fajr-5 Missiles and UAV Targets Severely Damaged

The third day of Operation Pillar of Defense is coming to a close. Throughout the day, the IDF carried out extensive air strikes, targeting over 230 terror sites in the Gaza Strip. Below is a quick summary of main targets Related posts: Photos: Israeli Houses Damaged by Hamas Rocket Fire Live Updates: IDF Targeting Terrorist Sites IDF Targets Hamas’ Long Range Rocket Capabilities »

Perry Stone: Nuclear War with Iran Prophecy

Perry Stone: Nuclear War with Iran Prophecy

Perry Stone: Nuclear War with Iran Prophecy (TBN January, 2012) | The Vision (Re: attacks, Iran etc) PERRY STONE’s website and email On Tuesday night,... »

Friday March 29: 24 Adar II

It was on this day in 1856 that the Jews of White Russia were forbidden to wear distinctive clothing that would set them apart from the rest of the populace. Throughout time, Jews have worn traditional clothing that, not only identified them as being Jewish, but also identified them as belonging to a particular sect […] »

How Does Hamas Acquire Its Weapons?

One of the main ways that Hamas acquires weapons is via an extensive network of tunnels under the Gaza-Egypt border. Since Hamas seized power in the Gaza Strip in 2007, the terrorist group’s smuggling efforts have increased. With funding from Related posts: Operation Cast Lead: Hamas Militants and Weapons in Urban Gaza Hit by Israel Air Force List of Past Iranian Attempts to Smuggle Weapons,... »