
Awaken Students

Awaken Students


Freeing the Church from Pharisee Influence

The Pharisees meant well—they truly did. And yet, they struggled against Christ at nearly every step. And while there were Pharisees, like Nicodemus, who sincerely desired to understand Jesus, he still publicly called them out over their practices and blind spots. The warning he gave to us was to be on our guard against the leaven of […] »

#PRAY for #Bosnia rocked by spreading anti-government unrest

PRAYER POINTS: • Pray for lasting reconciliation among Bosnians, Serbs, and Croats after centuries-long rivalries and hatred towards one another. • Pray for the body of Christ to unite across denominational lines to impact a traumatized society. • Pray for spiritual breakthroughs among a large population of drug addicts who are in desperate need of hope. (Reuters) – Protesters across Bosnia ... »

Awaken Students

Awaken Students
