
In regards to the problem of evil, I was listening…

In regards to the problem of evil, I was listening to an atheist saying that the issue of evil would be problematic to the existence of God because it directly attacks the being and conception of God itself. Essentially, they say that if God is truly all-good, then it would be highly implausible for Him to permit evil, since it would be a contradiction in His very nature of being good. But I see a... »

Worship Pastor, Long Island, N.Y.

Lighthouse Tabernacle Church of God is seeking a full-time Worship Pastor who can lead worship with excellence and build our music ministry. He/she must bring passion, an upbeat style and […] The post Worship Pastor, Long Island, N.Y. appeared fi... »

The Four Corners of Sermon Prep

Everyone has their method for preparing a sermon. I’ve read books and talked with many pastors about their approaches to sermon prep and it varies greatly. I’ve taken nuggets from many places and landed on a method of sermon prep that works well for me. If I had to name it, I’d call my method... The post The Four Corners of Sermon Prep appeared first on Church Answers. »

Kid’s Pastor, Pace, Fla.

Covenant Church of God is a dynamic spirit-led Church with Sunday and Wednesday kids programs that serve ages 5-12 years. This ministry is strong and just needs someone else to […] The post Kid’s Pastor, Pace, Fla. appeared first on Church ... »