In regards to the problem of evil, I was listening…

In regards to the problem of evil, I was listening to an atheist saying that the issue of evil would be problematic to the existence of God because it directly attacks the being and conception of God itself. Essentially, they say that if God is truly all-good, then it would be highly implausible for Him to permit evil, since it would be a contradiction in His very nature of being good. But I see a way how this argument can actually be turned on its table. I would dare propose that if God is truly good, then evil must exist on earth. The reason I say this is because of what we think of as “good”. Think about it this way, if God is truly good then He must be just. If God is truly good and just, then He must of necessity hate and punish that which is contrary to goodness. Now since man as a whole have subjected themselves to the slavery of sin then it is perfectly logical to conclude that God must allow them to suffer evil as due punishment for their iniquity. In other words, if God did not let evil befall them, then that would be contrary to His justice, and if it be contrary to His justice then it would be contrary to His goodness. To me, it is precisely this reason why the problem of evil isn’t a problem for me, because it must occur if God would be consistent to His holiness and justice. Now of course, He also is merciful and that is why He sent His Son to die for our sins. Has anyone ever thought of that? And is there any problems with the argument?

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