
Is Judas Ischariot predestined by the God to act as…

Is Judas Ischariot predestined by the God to act as betrayer to fulfill the prophecy of Christ’s Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection? (Because without betray by Judas Ischariot Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus may or may not be happened.) If Yes, then Judas Ischariot also did as per God’s plan or will. So the question is that whether Judas Ischariot is with Jesus or not? Wh... »

Dogma is not instituted by Jesus Christ. Jesus came to…

Dogma is not instituted by Jesus Christ. Jesus came to end the hypocrisy of the Jewish faith and was ultimately murdered by the elders of the Jewish Temple . ( I don’t blame them and even forgive) BUT… Modern day Christians are EQUALLY bad or worse THAN ANY Pharisee or Zealot in the land, because they are willfully ignorant and arrogant to a point where churches have no validity and should b... »

For Good Friday…

For Good Friday…

For Good Friday… »

Jesus came to save the unjust. Jesus came to save…

Jesus came to save the unjust. Jesus came to save sinners. Jesus came to set the captive free. Jesus came not to condemn the world but to save it. Jesus came to save That which is Lost. »