
Christianity is not about prophecy but about salvation. Biblically speaking,…

Christianity is not about prophecy but about salvation. Biblically speaking,…

Christianity is not about prophecy but about salvation. Biblically speaking, the last prophet was John the Baptist. There was no need for another prophet. Why? Because all the prophets and their prophecies were all geared towards the coming of the saviour. Even when they made other prophecies, the peak of them all remained that of the coming of the saviour. It was such a big deal that right from t... »

Videos by Teaching Truth Today, Spoken Word music from Florissant,…

Videos by Teaching Truth Today, Spoken Word music from Florissant,…

Which testimony is most convincing to you that Jesus rose from the dead? Videos by Teaching Truth Today, Spoken Word music from Florissant, MO on ReverbNation »

Just remember when an unbeliever wants to accuse God of…

Just remember when an unbeliever wants to accuse God of evil, or to insinuate that evil’s existence disproves God or His character… . To make such accusations, one must stand on the Christian world view. Good is defined by God and He perfectly and endlessly IS good. He also defines what evil is. God is the standard of good… without Him there’s no way to claim anything to be... »



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