Christianity is not about prophecy but about salvation. Biblically speaking,…

Christianity is not about prophecy but about salvation. Biblically speaking,…

Christianity is not about prophecy but about salvation. Biblically speaking, the last prophet was John the Baptist. There was no need for another prophet. Why?

Because all the prophets and their prophecies were all geared towards the coming of the saviour. Even when they made other prophecies, the peak of them all remained that of the coming of the saviour. It was such a big deal that right from the fall, God raised prophets who kept reminding the people of the coming of the Messiah.

Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah will be born of a virgin. Isaiah 7:14

Micah prophesied that the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem. Micah 5:2

Jeremiah even spoke about the massacre of the children when Christ will be born. Jeremiah 31:15

Zachariah also prophesied on how the Messiah will die, the nature of the death etc. Zechariah 11:12-13.

We can go on and on. . .

Then finally, John the Baptist came. He showed Christ, the saviour, to the world. Even the bible was clear about this when it said “For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John came.” (Matthew 11:13).

What else can any prophecy of today be that is going to be bigger than the fact that the saviour came, took flesh and save us from damnation? What else??? But prophecy today is now reduced to soothsaying and prediction.

Should I prophesy.’??

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