
Cracker Barrel puts ‘Duck Dynasty’ products back on shelves after outcry #ourCOG

The Cracker Barrel restaurant chain, two days after removing “Duck Dynasty”-related products from its shelves, said Sunday it was putting them back – and apologized to fans of the reality series. Cracker Barrel began yanking Duck Dynasty-related items from its stores on Friday in the wake of patriarch Phil Robertson’s inflammatory comments to GQ magazine about gays and blacks, saying it didn’t wan... »

@dasjr @joelabarker Enjoyed the TAKE OVER production @riverhillsch with @Mbowers34 #ourCOG


@Mbowers34 @joelabarker @dasjr @ourCOG EMERGE Christmas TAKE OVER @ Ocoee COG

@Mbowers34 @joelabarker @dasjr @ourCOG EMERGE Christmas TAKE OVER @ Ocoee COG

This Sunday at River Hills Church our service is being taken over by EMERGE. IT is an EMERGE Christmas takeover come sunday and see what kind of program they have in store for us »

About the Bible

About the Bible (3a Bibliata) is a publication series of some 100 research articles written for the Bulgarian Evangelical Newspaper between 2004-2010. They include topics as paleography, manuscript collage, textual criticism and much more. The historical outline explores the translation of the Bible in various languages from its conception to present day and early Bible [...] »