I thought I would finally share with everybody one of…
I thought I would finally share with everybody one of two of my deepest sorrys. Something that I regret so much that I sometimes feel like I could cry about it forever. I was raised in the Prescott Holiness Church my sisters Margie(who is on face book but not active) and Angie my youngest who were both raised in Prescott Holiness as well. The Prescott church taught that you are not saved until you... »
Midday Prayer and Worship
As we pray and worship today, let us know how we can pray for you in the comments below. _________ #citylifechurch #tonystewart #kacistewart #tampa #florida 1ST TIME VIEWER CARD: https://shor.by/firsttimeviewer ONLINE GIVING: https://shor.by/give citylifeKIDS ONLINE: https://shor.by/citylifekids PRAYER REQUEST: https://shor.by/prayer I JUST ACCEPTED CHRIST: https://shor.by/saved _________ Follow u... »
The New “First Lady” of the Church of God
Sandra Kay Williams models Christian motherhood, prayer, and leadership. (The following is a re-print of an original feature published in the July 27, 2012 edition of General Assembly Today, the daily publication of the Church of God General Assembly.)... »