
Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Welcome to Westmore! Catch us LIVE every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. EST to experience a Westmore service including inspiring music and worship, along with a timely message. If you are new to the Cleveland/Chattanooga area or visiting, we would love for you to join us here at our location (2440 Legacy Parkway, Cleveland, TN 37312). Let us know where you are watching from, (take a pic if you wish and... »

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

Welcome to Westmore! Catch us LIVE every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. EST to experience a Westmore service including inspiring music and worship, along with a timely message. If you are new to the Cleveland/Chattanooga area or visiting, we would love for you to join us here at our location (2440 Legacy Parkway, Cleveland, TN 37312). Let us know where you are watching from, (take a pic if you wish and... »

It’s Been A Great Ride … Thank You!

Over five years ago, God orchestrated a shift in my "career" and life.  I believe it was based on a decision made 8 years ago.  When you commit to Him, He will lead you in a path that only He knows whats coming down the road.I came in fo... »


THE DAY OF THE LORD …………………………………………………What a scene of destruction and carnage, and all because of refusing to SUBMIT … TO THE WORD OF THE LORD … What Zephaniah describes here is but an illustration of what will happen in the end times when God’s judgment falls on a wicked world, only THE DAY OF THE LORD will be far more terrible (see Rev. 6–19, WHEN THE LAMB OPENS THE FIRST SEAL) There will be co... »