
Happy Thanksgiving

Earlier this morning I was reflecting on my affirmations of the day.  I’ve been working through 1 Corinthians 13 and the meaning of love (charity).  Today I finished up with the words, “Love never fails.”   I couldn’t help but think about my daughter, Briana.  For so many years she has had a very minor [...] »

“Prayer Experience” Set for Upcoming General Assembly

“Prayer Experience” Set for Upcoming General Assembly ... »

Hold This Man Accountable

Hold This Man Accountable

"Pastor" (I use that term loosely) Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida made national and International news several months back for threatening to burn the Quran/Koran (take your pick) at his church in Florida. Yes, this is America and we have the righ... »

Discussion on Church of God General Assembly Sessions Live Broadcast on the Internet and Social Media

Premise Historically, the Church of God has been a leader in numerous theological and practical aspects of the Pentecostal faith. Ministry via modern media, unfortunately, has not been a priority until recently. The road of recovery in this area has been established by partnership with Christian TV stations and several social media experiments. Occasional broadcasts, however, have been a part of t... »