World Missions Engages the “Social Network” #ourCOG
World Missions Engages the “Social Network” #ourCOG »
World Missions Engages the “Social Network” #ourCOG »
This year churches are having to resort to unique ways of ministry. We are doing a great job reaching our adults and being creative with virtual, online experiences for the kiddos to stay connected, but kids need routine and consistency of years pasts. Our kids will be looking forward to their annual VBS in person experience. So let’s not let them down. Lets put our heads togethe... »
@dasjr @jonathanstone @travisjohnson73 @marksimiley @4CornersBen @frank_nation Thanks! enjoy the social networking >> #ourCOG »
For over a decade, the webmaster for the Church of God has provided a soul winning website to the world, During this time over 10,000 souls have prayed the prayer of salvation. This year an entire network has been launched. www.JesusS... »