
Dr  George Voorhis Come out from among them

Dr George Voorhis Come out from among them


Dr  George Voorhis MEETING in the AIR

Dr George Voorhis MEETING in the AIR


Hi everyone. This is my first post. I have been…

Hi everyone. This is my first post. I have been really digging into what scripture says regarding homosexuality. What I have concluded from studying the contexts and the actual words used before translation, that the specific sin is the sexual act. When reading of the cultures in New Testament times (and even OT times), I have read: 1. there was no ‘gay’ identity, as that did not come ... »

Why I Left Islam To Embrace Christianity”- What An Ex-Core…

Why I Left Islam To Embrace Christianity”- What An Ex-Core Muslim Narrated Religion is one thing in this world, that everybody will never have a unanimous conclusion to. While some believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, some believe he is just a messenger of God just like that of Moses and Elisha. The christians although with there different doctrines praises God through Jesus Christ w... »