
Restrictive Bill on Religion in Bulgaria Goes to a Final Vote

Restrictive Bill on Religion in Bulgaria Goes to a Final Vote

A government committee met in Bulgaria today to decide any last changes in the new legislation on religion and churches in Bulgaria. The bill will be then brought before the Parliament for a final vote this Friday, December 21, 2018 before it becomes an official law. In its current draft, the legislation infringes harsh restrictions on religious freedom and evangelical believers, which will disrup... »

Religion and Social Networking

Religion and Social Networking


Lee University Announces Changes in School of Religion

Lee University Announces Changes in School of Religion ... »

If anyone believes Islam is a true religion then he…

If anyone believes Islam is a true religion then he…

If anyone believes Islam is a true religion then he should be able to answer these questions. It appears that Muslims are caught in the Islamic trap of the fallacy of circular reasoning, as it appears they are following the words of Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad, a man claiming that God spoke to him which is nothing more of a credulous claim from an unsupported single source, yet this type of claim calls ... »