
Is it true?… according to the doctrine of roman Catholic…

Is it true?… according to the doctrine of roman Catholic…

Is it true?… according to the doctrine of roman Catholic church there is no creator of heaven and earth, and there is no creator of humankind . Because according to pope Francis the universe is created by BIGBANG and the humans came from evolution?! which the pope called it the love of God? is that supposed to be a joke? »

* Could any Practising Roman catholic prove the following claims…

* Could any Practising Roman catholic prove the following claims of their Church from the pages of the Scriptures? If any. shall deny that in the sacrament of the most holy Eucharist, there is contained truly,, really, and substantially the body and, blood, together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, but shall say that he is only in it in sign or figure, or power, let him be accu... »

Can someone explain to me why Roman Catholics have a…

Can someone explain to me why Roman Catholics have a Crucifix (Jesus on the cross) while most other Christian churches have only a cross? Thank you »

The first century disciplines were heavy persecuted by the Roman…

The first century disciplines were heavy persecuted by the Roman…

The first century disciplines were heavy persecuted by the Roman authorities. Why didn’t they fight back in self-defense? They could form a mighty Christian army ready to fight the Roman authorities but instead they gave themselves up to be ripped to shreds by tigers, lions and other wild beasts by the thousands. The children, old men and women were not spared either. Why didn’t our first century ... »