
American historian and NT scholar Dr. Gary Habermas carefully compares…

American historian and NT scholar Dr. Gary Habermas carefully compares…

American historian and NT scholar Dr. Gary Habermas carefully compares and weighs religious claims for historical adequacy. He also debunks several alleged parallels between Christ and eastern myths, and points how they fail to hold up when scrutinized via historical method. He, very respectfully, responds to ahistorical views held by popular oriental thinkers from Dayananda Saraswati and Swami Vi... »

Biblical Scholar and Theologian

Biblical Scholar and Theologian

Dear William I’m not sure what an official historian is. But I studied history for my first degree in Cambridge and achieved (I was told) the best result in my year. I was taught by such eminent historians as Geoffrey Elton and A. H. M. Jones. I then studied for a PhD in Cambridge. Again, this was in the History faculty. My dissertation was on “The Career and Thought of Dr William Fulk... »