
Studying Scripture is so sweet and educational. Here am I…

Studying Scripture is so sweet and educational. Here am I studying Matthew 13 devotionally (in Greek and English) but it has just taught me a solid insight about God’s nature (The Trinity). There’s a repeated Greek constructional phrase in the first section of this passage “άλλην παραβολην” (“another parable” – vs. 24, 31, and 33). This phrase is in the fe... »

How can we preach Jesus through every scripture in the…

How can we preach Jesus through every scripture in the Bible? Is it necessary that in every sermon we should mention Jesus? »

Scripture, especially the New Testament, is so clear about Christ’s…

Scripture, especially the New Testament, is so clear about Christ’s role as our High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary-a role He took after He completed His work as our sacrifice here on earth. Hebrew 10:12 ( Gulley, Norman) »

2 Corinthians 6:17 Is scripture. Why is it offensive?

2 Corinthians 6:17 Is scripture. Why is it offensive? »