
Second Senior Art Show Opens Thursday

Lee University will host the Second Senior Art Showcase, April 18-23, in the Squires Library Fine Art Gallery. There will be an opening reception held on Thursday, April 18, from […] The post Second Senior Art Show Opens Thursday appeared first o... »

Welcome to the Freak Show! :: By Candy Austin

Welcome to the Freak Show! :: By Candy Austin

Think back about 20 years ago or so. Can anyone remember what life was like then? It wasn’t really that long ago, but things in our culture then were pretty different than how things are today. Imagine freezing that timeframe in one’s memory while going to sleep only to wake up the next morning to […] The post Welcome to the Freak Show! :: By Candy Austin appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

Show Some Love Monday

A "friend" whom I have never personally met, but have talked with for many years online, named Kari Haywood, came up with an idea for "Show Some Love Monday", which was targeted for today. She asked us to "show some love" to someone who needed it today... »

Many people, attempting to show atheism to be “intellectual,” have…

Many people, attempting to show atheism to be “intellectual,” have…

Many people, attempting to show atheism to be “intellectual,” have claimed that Albert Einstein was an atheist. However, the brilliant scientist said the exa… »