
Preacher Arrested for Calling Homosexuality a Sin

An American evangelist said he was arrested and interrogated about his Christian faith after he was caught on a London sidewalk preaching that homosexuality is a sin. Tony Miano, a retired deputy sheriff and former chaplain with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept., was charged with “using homophobic speech that could cause people anxiety, distress, alarm or insult.” Miano had been preaching on ... »

Joel Osteen Believes Homosexuality Is a Sin, but Won’t Preach It

Joel Osteen, pastor of Lakewood Church, spoke with Larry King on his online show, Larry King Now, Monday. Watch him talk about why his ministry attracts Muslims and atheists, how he differs from Billy Graham and why he doesn’t preach on homosexuality. WATCH the FULL VIDEO HERE:   »

If there is absolutely no sin in heaven then how…

If there is absolutely no sin in heaven then how was Lucifer to be found with sin while in heaven. »

Apologetics labeling Latter Rain/Third Wave/New Apostolic Reformation as a cult

Apologetics labeling Latter Rain/Third Wave/New Apostolic Reformation as a cult are not wrong »