
Why Christian Idealism Is Killing Spirituality

Researchers tell us that the more we’re exposed to perfect bodies in the media, the more we’re dissatisfied with our own. That dissatisfaction goes for any area where we’re regularly and confronted with the idea that everyone else is more successful, richer, smarter, or better than we are. It would be one thing if the […] »

Webpresence for the Kingdom: Another Webministry Launched

Helping Churches Grow remains our mission statement.  One of the areas we focus on in this endeavor is webminisrty. We have been blessed with the opportunity to launch a first-ever website for a small Bulgarian Church of God in Chicago metro, Grace International Church. Over five years ago, we were able to build from ground up the website […] »

Church & Politics 2015

The paradigm of ministry has changed away from caring for souls. And this has so consumed us that we cannot see the dying world for all we see is ourselves. Thus righteousness for us has become but a stumbling block in our own passions, and goals, and career. And in all this, the righteous suffer […] »

Embracing the Heartbreak of the Advent Season

[dropcap]F[/dropcap]erguson, Eric Garner, CIA torture reports, Bill Cosby: I can't get away from terrible, heartbreaking news. But more than that, I'm dismayed by the fractured,... The post Embracing the Heartbreak of the Advent Season appeared first on Jayson D. Bradley. »